"The Red Sleeve Cuff" stars Lee Se Young, Lee Junho, Kang Hoon, and Lee Deok Hwa are nominated for the 2021 MBC Drama Awards!
#TheRedSleeveCuff #LeeJunho #LeeSeYoung #KangHoon #LeeDeokHwa #2021MBCDramaAwards
Clad in matching black 'fits, "The Red Sleeve Cuff" couple Lee Junho and Lee Se Young shared some sweet moments on their way to their scheduled radio broadcast.
#LeeJunho #LeeSeYoung #TheRedSleeveCuff #TheRedSleeve
Four of the outstanding K-drama stars today Song Hye Kyo, Kim So Yeon, Lee Honey, and Lee Je Hoon are competing for the Daesang!
#SongHyeKyo #KimSoYeon #LeeHoney #LeeJeHoon #2021SBSDramaAwards