An adoptee once told me that the journey of an adoptee to their homeland, Korea, is like a pilgrimage. We may interpret this comment in several ways because a pilgrimage has different meanings. Common definitions refer to it as a spiritual journey to a special spiritual site or an exploratory journey to a foreign place in search of inner meaning.
Kota Kinabalu: Some 200 Korean language enthusiasts gathered at the University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF) here to participate in the “Skill for Life: Basic Korean Language” programme.
In today's Morning Brief, Canada's top banking regulator will soon implement new guidelines aimed at reducing the risks posed by the growing number of negative amortization mortgages those where payments aren't enough to make a dent in the original loan balance.
South Korea defeated North Korea 81-62 in a highly-anticipated women s basketball preliminary game at the Asian Games in China on Friday, as the countries that formed a joint team five years ago returned as foes.
South Korea defeated North Korea 81-62 in a highly-anticipated women s basketball preliminary game at the Asian Games in China on Friday, as the countries that formed a joint team five years ago returned as foes.