Even in the chilly winter season, when the air gets cold and the sun sets fast, there are still good reasons to take a walk: warm, delicious street snacks. As winter approaches, street vendors attract customers with sweet and savory snacks that one can hold in a hand and enjoy while walking along the street. "The cold, dark way home from work in winter feels even more exhausting than in mild weather, but when I .
Kimchi, a traditional Korean dish consisting of fermented vegetables, often cabbage and radish, is ubiquitous in Korean cuisine. This timeless Korean staple is reinterpreted at On 6.5, a contemporary kimchi tapas bar that is making waves in Seoul's dining scene. Kimchi, traditionally thought of as a side dish, takes center stage at On 6.5, which has redefined the way we eat kimchi with their creative dishes. Loc.
총선서 우파연합 승리 확실시되자 첫 여성 총리 안데르손 사의 표명 극우 민주당, 연합 내 최다 의석 2010년 원내 진입 후 지지층 넓혀, 스웨덴 총선에서 민족주의 반이민 정당이 포함된 우파연합의 근소한 승리가 확실시되자 마그달레나 안데르손 스웨덴 총리가 패배를 인정하고 사퇴를 선언했다.