the assassin is assassinated at the police station. what in the hell is going on? just learned from city hall from an authoritative source, police are working on an assumption there is a connection between jack ruby and lee oswalt and in some manner of speaking, oswalt s murder was to shut him up. captain just told me ruby said he did it, that it was his gun, and that he had build up a tremendous grievance over the death of the president. in jack ruby s mind he thought he would be a hero. he killed the guy who killed the president. i commend what he did. i think he ought to win the congressional honor for it and a lot of other good american citizens think he did the right thing in shooting down this communist. word in from dallas, that homicide chief captain will
garrison announced he had discovered a code. he said jack ruby s unlisted telephone number appears in address books belonging to shaw and oswald. you take p and o and use a telephone dial, p gives you 7, o gives you 6. he just changed the digits around, added digits, added letters. you reconstruct the numbers, and then you subtract 1300 and that gives you ruby s unlisted telephone number. mr. garrison, if the p.o. didn t exist until later how would it be his phone number? he pointed to cia agents supporting a conspiracy. who s suppressing this on whose order? the federal government is suppressing it. who in the federal government? the administration. the administration of your government is suppressing it because they know that the central intelligence agency on whose order? on the order of the president
the people of europe just cannot believe that a lone awenger made his way into a major police station and killed without difficulty the most celebrated and infamous criminal in the united states. one of the most important things that happened after oswald s murder was that we were forever denied the why. i mean, people at the time believed he did it. the question was why. there are questions continually coming up about the possibility of an international plot. there is still an old story that the russian an might be behind it or cuba might be behind it. johnson sees the real danger in that. you want to put these rumors to rest. investigations into all the facts of these last four days may not be limited to the state of texas or the fbi.
been questioned. that s lee oswalt. the president is shot and a police officer is shot, then someone name lee harvey oswalt is arrested. oswalt may be a suspect in the assassinati assassination. who is he? lee oswalt of dallas, a form erma rein that spent time in russia and applied for soviet citizen ship. the description that we have of the suspect in ocliff was similar to the description we have as the assassin but we haven t been able to connect the two. down there a crowd of camera men, reporters wait for a possible appearance of the man accused of killing president kennedy and a dallas police officer. it will be a great deal of confusion, mr. oswalt is put through the door. i don t know if you saw him.
right wing as you got in the early 60s. and oswald saw walker as an american adolf hitler. and oswald said someone should kill walker. he then ordered a rifle with a sniper scope, and he planned very meticulously his assassination of general walker. he took photographs from different angles, he figured out how to get his rifle there and how to escape. on march 31st, a sunday, he asked marina to come out and take his photograph. all in black, pistol, rifle in his hand, holding a few radical newspapers, and marina writes on the back hunter of fascists and dates it april 6th, 1963. and then he went on the night of the 10th of april, took up his place and shot at general