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News from Batavia - Harrison Daily

Greg and Johanna Davis and their children came down from Kansas City to visit with their grandparents Boyce and Lee Hankins last week.  Boyce and Lee always enjoy having their grandchildren to visit.


News from Batavia - Harrison Daily

We have had some beautiful weather over the past several days. The Honeybees have been out flying around. The Boone County Bee Club will hold a bee meeting Tuesday evening February 20 in the basement of the Farm Bureau building. I am looking forward to learning more about bee keeping. Janice Harris, Lee Hankins, Doyle & Brenda and James Lee Smith and I enjoyed having lunch together one day this week. We rarely ever get that opportunity so it was a special treat.


News from Batavia - Harrison Daily

The hustle and bustle during this Christmas Season has been fun as well as exhausting. Our church singing group has been meeting weekly to practice the Christmas songs that will be a part of the Christmas celebration on Dec. 17. My husband, Carl, has an antique pickup truck that is being restored. He has made several trips to the gentleman’s location that is doing the restoration. Hopefully that project will be completed soon. Lee Hankins and I made a trip to Little Rock one day last week for some follow-ups on doctor appointments.


Worcester man failed to identify Vauxhall Vivaro driver

News from Batavia - Harrison Daily

Hopefully we will soon make it through this extremely hot weather! I will have to admit that I have been a little lazy about doing yard work in a timely manner due to the intense heat. Lee Hankins and I made a trip to Little Rock on Tuesday of this week. I am very thankful for my sister! She will drop everything she is doing just to help me get to where I need to go. When coming back out of Little Rock she had to more than onc firmly say to me “get back in to that other lane!” Thank God for guardian Angels! On Wednesday evening, Pastor Ricky Stone had business he needed to take care so he gave me the privilege of being the speaker for the Wednesday night service. Thank you Pastor Ricky!


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