world. it was the week of 9/11. it was the first day of school. i cannot get my arms around the mentality of anybody or any group of people who sat together and said, gee, i ve got an idea. i mean, it s so bizarre. ft. lee is the gateway into new york from new jersey. the george washington bridge is in ft. lee. we ve gone through several months of news reports. we went through a coverup done by bill baroni. if these people who spent half their time trying to cover up the story, keep the press in the dark, telling me that i m obsessed somehow or that i don t have i have too much time on my hands to follow up on this story, if they spent half the time trying to get to the bottom of it, we d know all of the answers. ingrid i want to ask you
if more information comes out that shows that he really was in the chain of custody in some way, i mean i think he is in serious legal trouble and i think that may be why he didn t question any of his staffers. everybody is getting lawyered up. so we re going to learn a lot more here. this is as much a psychological exploration as it is after the facts and i come down to one word. hugh brus. i mean this is the summer leading up to this election where they re rolling out these huge victory pps he said they were going after all of the local mayors. she s got that number in his head. and you have kelly in charge of recruiting all of these mayors. she s really irritated maybe at this ft. lee guy. it gets out of hand. you have to look at the personal connections between all of these people. does it go beyond kelly and stepien or does it stop there. i think the thing everybody
the question should be what did do wrong to make these people think that this is appropriate behavior. and that s the question that the governor really has to answer. and let me just follow up on that with you, though. because the why did this all happen, not the line to the governor but why did the traffic thing happen really sort of haunts me in this. the idea of the one thing i kind of bought in what christie was saying there on thursday was he wasn t that obsessively concerned with the endorsement of the mayor of ft. lee. do you have an idea, any sense in your mind what was driving this? well, you know, part of it is conjecture because we don t really know yet. and that haunts me too, steve, actualfully the same way. from the time i first heard about this story who would have thought that you would punish any elected official by closing the george washington bridge? it s the busiest bridge in the
was specifically responsive to our inquiry about the bridge. so the reference to the meeting between the governor and david samson let s talk about that for a minute so people understand this clearly. david samson is the chairman of the port authority. there s a reference in the records that david wildstein provided to you that a week before this time for some traffic in ft. lee e-mail went out, a week before that a meeting was arranged between chris christie and samson and you re saying wildstein is trying to tell you that s significant. they specifically said we ve redacted stuff that was not significant. what we don t have an answer to and we tried to get a answer, what is the significance to a reference of setting up a meeting between the governor and david samson. we don t know if the meeting happened. if the meeting happened we don t know who else was at the meeting. we don t know the topic of the meeting. but i think the committee needs to have the information. and just
the most infamous line of chris christie s governorship is he was talking about you at a press conference and he said somebody ought to take the bat to loretta weinberg. which ochk is always followed by my age and the fact that i m a widow which i find a little troublesome from time to time but that s okay. in fact, in some ways sort of as i ve gotten further away from it i treat it humorously. i have in my office two bats one with his name on it and one with my name on it. mine is much larger than his. but it gave you ininsight into the way this man operates. there has been this culture of fear. look at the mayor of ft. lee. even when the governor came to see him the other day, the first thing on his mind was i need an assurance from the governor that