To welcome cspan again to politics and prose. It has added to cspan has added to our civil discourse and whatever bookstores you come to they are generally independent fast and cspan is really wonderful. I want to welcome tonight at 18. We are celebrating the publication of his book just plain dick. How many of you were around when the checkers speech was given . I am sure many people in the audience tonight will also the and statistically appropriate that this is the night before an election and this book is about the 1952 election and the context of the election, and kevin matson will tell us about it but theres a nice tradition in politics and prose of having wonderful stuff the night before the election. We were talking 12 years ago was the discussion of arguing the world which was the discussion with daniel bell or crystal irving, four years ago we had a new york review book and some of the contributors, Jonathan Friedman and others were talking about the problems whoever the new