Lee Da Hae and Se7en, who have been dating for 8 years, shared the good news on their respective Instagram along with adorable photos.
#LeeDaHae #Se7en
Many South Korean stars possess the most common names, sharing the same monikers with other stars, too. Here are six stars who fans often mistake for one another!
#SongHyeKyo #SongJiHyo #KimTaeHee #KimTaeRi #LeeDaHee #LeeDaHae
saengil chukha hamnida lee da-hee. Wish you all the best ^ ^
2009-04-19 02:27:15)
Happy Birthday Da-hae unni! Good Luck w/ your career. You are the best actress for me. Fighting..!!
2009-04-18 20:47:25)
Happy Happy Birthday, my dear LDH!!! wish you luck with your career, you re really a great actress and i hope you re happy :DD
2009-04-18 17:01:14)
i really miss u! hope you can team up w/ lee dong wook again; i really miss you both (you have a great chemistry)! you ll always be my number one, my inspiration!
2009-04-13 02:16:17)
ur sooooo pretty.. ^ ^ haVe u heArd dAt we hAd a PhilippiNe remaKe of ur My giRl ? it s so popular hir daT s why it waS remaKEd.. hoPe u cAn coMe hiR lyK waT lee doNg-wOok did.. ^ ^