A federal spending package to fund the department of agriculture, transportation, Homeland Security and more. They will be taken up on the house floor tomorrow. Next, we show you some of the hearing from earlier today. We are going to move our prorations processed further today. My colleagues from the Democratic Party has asked me to go ahead. We are in the middle of the afternoon, they know what is going on, they are well represented. But some of our members are outgained about. We are in the middle of some hearings, some things going on with sensitive matters. So were going to keep pursuing this. Today we will resume amendment 354, make on hr3 america secure and prosperous appropriations act 2018. The committee will be taking general and amendment testimony on the commerce, justice, science and related Agencies Division, Financial Services, and general Government Division, interior defilement and related Agencies Division and labor health and Human Services education and related Agen