Bangladesh national elections 2024: By now, it is clear that the election this time around will be a one-sided affair. Not only the ruling party candidates, but those from the official opposition and other parties, and even the independents, are all AL-approved.
Elections in Bangladesh: Being elected unopposed, another ominous sign for democracy, has also become a regular phenomenon in the country in recent years. This has further fuelled the perception that anyone participating in an election on a ruling party ticket would win no matter what, which has led to widespread apathy among both the voters and prospective candidates from
Press Freedom in Bangladesh: Without press freedom, governments may censor or restrict information, preventing the public from receiving important information about their leaders and the policies they are enacting. Corruption, power abuse, and a decline of the public’s faith in government are all possible outcomes of a breakdown in accountability and transparency. The right to
Use of EVMs in Bangladesh: Such an extraordinary emphasis on having elections in some constituencies make us wonder whether there’s more to this than meets the eye. It may sound cynical, but questions can be raised whether the intention is to allow the workers of the ruling party to cover their unlawful act of pressing voting buttons for their candidates in the name of
Criminalizing freedom of speech and thought in Bangladesh: Throughout the novel, one core theme is the government's use of language as a tool of control and manipulation. The concept of "doublethink" and "Newspeak" are introduced, where citizens are made to accept contradictory ideas as truth and language is limited to prevent dissent. The novel is a political commentary on