GEORGE TOWN: Budget hotel operators are keeping their fingers crossed for an added boost from foreign tourists once international borders reopen on April 1.
For the needy: Shop owner Rosidah Mansor stocking up a food bank with bags of essential items in Bayan Baru. CHAN BOON KAI/The Star
GEORGE TOWN: With the emergence of the White Flag movement, more kind-hearted Malaysians are coming out to set up food banks.
Unfortunately, some food banks were met with abuse. Rations laid out for the needy were cleaned out in a short time, often by the same individuals.
Sundry store owner Rosidah Mansor started a food bank in March for the needy.
“The essentials ran out quickly and stocking up three times a day was not enough. So we started recording names and packed essentials like cooking oil, rice, noodles, eggs, flour and other rations in one big pack to give out.