On two occasions in the last 15 years, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center nurses have initiated union drives only to see the efforts fizzle out.Will this time be different? A group of DHMC nurses are working behind the scenes to convince their.
WEST LEBANON A pending plan by the city to purchase three adjoining West Lebanon properties will open new possibilities in the future revitalization of Main Street, according to municipal officials.On March 15, the Lebanon City Council will hold a.
WEST LEBANON Responding to the region’s shortage of day care providers, the city has announced plans to design and build a child care facility on city-owned property and turn operation over to a national nonprofit.As proposed, the center could.
LEBANON A public hearing to consider a proposed charitable gaming center and restaurant on the Miracle Mile has been moved to March 20. Jonathan Gengras, a Connecticut-based auto dealer, and Stefan Huba, a casino gaming developer, are seeking.
LEBANON The Lebanon City Council will hold a public hearing Wednesday to consider whether to increase the amount in property tax exemptions for elderly residents, a group who has been adversely impacted by surging property values and inflation.A.