tooking slightly larger or more normal looking people, leave them out on a table and looking people, leave them out on a table and let people pick them up and leave table and let people pick them up and leave them casually without paying and leave them casually without paying too much attention, after a few minutes of that, their idea of what few minutes of that, their idea of what is few minutes of that, their idea of what is normal shifts in the other direction what is normal shifts in the other direction. you can change this and you can direction. you can change this and you can change it relatively straightforwardly. we just have to make straightforwardly. we just have to make the straightforwardly. we just have to make the decision to change it. | make the decision to change it. wanted to make the decision to change it. i wanted to be like david bowley. david bowie. wanted to be like david bowley. david bowie- wanted to be like david bowley. david bowie