Conditions, Historic Preservation requirements were for our facilities and through that, the land use subcommittee and now the working group, Waterfront Plan Working Group are looking for a new public trust set of objectives that are specific to the embarcadero Historic District. In the course of the the work we work with state land staff that help guide us on the values this recognize as being acceptable for new development and leasing in these historic piers. This a bullet list of the kinds of benefits and objectives recommended by the Land Use Committee, working group, state land staff building the frame quork and criteria to allow us framework and criteria to allow us to get more tools and flexibility to build our piers and bulkhead buildings. Rehabilitation scinlt with national consistent National Standards and increasing the berthing locations because of all the ferries and excursion vessels we find a need for along with Public Access, and the need and interest from the public th
Subcommittees that allowed us to do more nimble discussions and recommendations. Tonight i get to provide you on the recommendations coming out that lead to this opportunity to try to find partners for rehabilitation. In the course of doing the waterfront plan meetings, we hired eps as an Economic Consultant to do financial Feasibility Analysis and shared with the working group and puck liks the cost of pier conditions, Historic Preservation requirements were for our facilities and through that, the land use subcommittee and now the working group, Waterfront Plan Working Group are looking for a new public trust set of objectives that are specific to the embarcadero Historic District. In the course of the the work we work with state land staff that help guide us on the values this recognize as being acceptable for new development and leasing in these historic piers. This a bullet list of the kinds of benefits and objectives recommended by the Land Use Committee, working group, state lan
Moreover, there was a finding that the revenues that could be generated by many of these types of businesses were limited and so there were financial feasibility concerns associated with that. And so, the recommendations that the Land Use Committee and the working group have advanced have acknowledged that were going to need high Revenue Generating uses as financial engine as part much new pier leasing an development projects. But to balance that with the need and desire to a available these facilities for public oriented uses, port staff was really trying to think about how can we expand public oriented uses but deal with the feasibility realities. Through that process, we came up with idea of going on the basis of the recommendations coming out of working group with a twotrack request for interest to invite ideas for public oriented uses that could fit within our bulkheads and pier facilities. But because we anticipated that the revenue capability of many of those types of businesses
And so, the recommendations that the Land Use Committee and the working group have advanced have acknowledged that were going to need high Revenue Generating uses as financial engine as part much new pier leasing an development projects. But to balance that with the need and desire to a available these facilities for public oriented uses, port staff was really trying to think about how can we expand public oriented uses but deal with the feasibility realities. Through that process, we came up with idea of going on the basis of the recommendations coming out of working group with a twotrack request for interest to invite ideas for public oriented uses that could fit within our bulkheads and pier facilities. But because we anticipated that the revenue capability of many of those types of businesses would be insufficient to be able to cover the improvement costs of the piers, we also realized there was a need to be some Development Capability also. So we came up with the idea ofc having
Uses as financial engine as part much new pier leasing an development projects. But to balance that with the need and desire to a available these facilities for public oriented uses, port staff was really trying to think about how can we expand public oriented uses but deal with the feasibility realities. Through that process, we came up with idea of going on the basis of the recommendations coming out of working group with a twotrack request for interest to invite ideas for public oriented uses that could fit within our bulkheads and pier facilities. But because we anticipated that the revenue capability of many of those types of businesses would be insufficient to be able to cover the improvement costs of the piers, we also realized there was a need to be some Development Capability also. So we came up with the idea ofc having a second track for requests for qualifications from qualified developers with experience with historic rehabilitation projects like this. And this proposal is