WEST UNITY â On Nov. 2, four Millcreek-West Unity FFA members participated in the Sub-District Job Interview Career Develepment Event (CDE). Alora Siegel placed first in Division 1, Ian Hoffman placed first in Division 3, Kodi Brenner placed first in Division 4 and Laurynn Wieland placed third in Division 4. Those members who placed first in their divisions then moved on to the virtual district competition on Nov. 10. In district competition, Siegel placed third in Division 1, Hoffman fifth in Division 3, and Brenner ninth in Division 4.
The annual Millcreek-West Unity FFA fruit sale fundraiser proved to be a record breaking year for the chapter. This could not have been accomplished without the support of the community members and chapter supporters. The donations have been allocated toward supporting membership dues, fees, conferences, conventions, camp, and the Hilltop Food Pantry.