police on anybody who looks like they might be an immigrant, he says that law might be a model for the nation. that is the bill that is before the supreme court today, the supreme court of the united states. today was the last day for oral arguments for the supreme court for this year. one of the liberal leaning justices, elena kagan, is recused from this case, so there are actually only eight justices hearing this instead of the usual nine. now, arizona calls the policy that it s pursuing with its papers, please, law, it calls it attrition through enforcement. the basic idea is that you d make life miserable for immigrants and hope that that scarce them out of the state. they call it attrition through enforcement in the courtroom. on the campaign trail, they call it self-deportation. you say you don t want to go and round up people and deport them, but you also say that they would have to go back to their home countries and then apply