North Korea's provocative satellite launch sparks global tensions, prompting sanctions and heightening military activities along the Korean border, disrupting regional stability and agreements.
US Marines tested a rocket launcher mounted on a "robotic goat," a Chinese-made quadrupedal robot, as part of an innovative tactical training exercise, exploring remote warfare possibilities.
leaking classified information is against the law. cannot be tolerated and will, when proven, lead to the prosecution of those found to be engaged in such activity. that would leave one to believe that if, indeed, military prosecutors have the goods on bradley e. manning, prosecutors will try to throw the book at him, shep. shepard: mike emanuel working the pentagon tonight. mike, thank you. woo, what a day. a fox weather alert. a dangerous and deadly heat wave across one third of this nation, torturing folks from the midwest and all up and down the east coast. new york city hit an all-time record today of 103-degrees that is a big deal in the big apple where it s a walk to the sweltering subway platform bus stop, not a door-to-door drive. in philly another record. 102. officials there say a 92-year-old woman died. and the heat is causing many other concerns. in illinois, the pavement on chicago s famous lake shore