What does the letter "e" sound like as it's being written down? Capital "A?" The word "steak?" Experimental musician Leah Reid creates new music with the sounds of writing different letters and words.
What does the letter "e" sound like as it's being written down? Capital "A?" The word "steak?" Experimental musician Leah Reid creates new music with the sounds of writing different letters and words.
What does the letter "e" sound like as it's being written down? Capital "A?" The word "steak?" Experimental musician Leah Reid creates new music with the sounds of writing different letters and words.
What does the letter "e" sound like as it's being written down? Capital "A?" The word "steak?" Experimental musician Leah Reid creates new music with the sounds of writing different letters and words.
What does the letter "e" sound like as it's being written down? Capital "A?" The word "steak?" Experimental musician Leah Reid creates new music with the sounds of writing different letters and words.