Ratnaveer Precision Engineering IPO: The Gujarat-based company is looking to raise Rs 165.03 crore. The IPO comprises fresh issue of 1.38 crore equity shares, amounting to Rs 135.24 crore, and an offer-for-sale of 30.4 lakh shares
Ratnaveer Precision Engineering will raise Rs 165 crore from its IPO which includes a sale of 1.38 crore fresh shares while its promoter will offloard 30.40 lakh shares.
Ratnaveer IPO will remain open for public subscription between September 4 and September 6 this year; price band for the Rs 165.03-crore IPO has been fixed at Rs 93 to Rs 98 per equity share
Ratnaveer Precision Engineering IPO | The initial public offering of 1.68 crore shares will open subscription on September 4, while the closing date will be September 6