we are looking at three major leadership votes coming up. the house, we still don t know what s going to happen there, but looking at a leadership, and by the time we get through with all the voting there, we might end up with the janitor as speaker of the house. with the minority, the minority party in the senator minority leader for the senate. but the biggest one, most important vote coming up, leadership vote coming up is going to be the republican primary for president and donald trump will shake that up, and if donald trump focuses on the issues, he, you know, a lot of people are trying to write him off saying he s he shouldn t run or whatever, he s running, that s that, deal with it john: one of the people that wrote him off was the lieutenant governor of the state of virginia, said this about president trump. a true leader understands when they have become a liability. a true leader understands that
and nancy pelosi is leading a congressional delegation in egypt for the united nations framework convention on climate change. she s expected to hold a news conference tomorrow on climate but the results of the midterms are sure to be front of mind as well. joining me now is jake sherman and back with us is brendan buck who has worked for both republican house speakers and paul ryan. jake, i want to start with you and nancy pelosi. what s the expectation for what she might do? i know you broke the news today that they re going to have their leadership votes on november 30th, right? november 30th, that s right. she s in egypt as you note. i don t think she s going to be whipping votes for any position from egypt. i will say this, she has the entire town guessing. she s given no indication whether she plans to continue as speaker or as a rank and file
on the left side of your screen at a conference room in detroit. any minute while showing this to you because we could hear about the end of that united auto workers months long strike against gm. we re watching for word of a vote today. the exact details have not been made public just yet although they could be coming out in the news conference any minute. union members expected to get a 3% raise or annual bonuses and gm expected to put in place a path for current temporary workers to become full-time employees once leadership votes and up to rank and file members to give this the final green light. we are keeping our eye on that. looks like it might be running a couple minutes late. back to washington now where congress is reeling from the explosive white house meltdown meeting that happened late yesterday. senate minority leader chuck schum sh schumer out talking about what happened inside that room. he bragged he was much better at this than mattis. for the president to berate
that winston churchill said the only two places where socialism would ever work and in hell where it s already in practice. that s what going on here. but look, i understand democrats and republicans want republicans running in republican primaries. they look at bernie sanders and he was in the house in the senate, he always aligned with democrats when it came to leadership votes. they want nothing to do with him in 2020. he was too successful against the establishment. to be give all my back to you because republicans must just be sitting back going great, do all the work. in terms of bifurcating your party. kennedy: it just goes to show and i would love to hear what you have to say about this, there is still very much a civil war within both parties. if you have a lot of anti-trump people in the vulcan party, and covenant people who are frustrated and democratic party although you try to force those loud independent voices to this outline, they re not going away.
these stories look like they die down and then everybody comes back and suddenly he has to survive one more week here before this is quote unquote over for him. he has a week. assuming there s no more instances of him speaking to groups like this, and assuming he can deal with some of the questions about the state level votes on martin luther king day and get past this you ishe should be fine. talking to republicans, we are supporting him but he has to deal with this. we will not take any kind of heat for him on this anymore because he will start backing up our agenda if he hangs out there. andrea trent lott, you could say said nice things about an old man at his 100th birthday party. how he said it there was an agenda by some who wanted to get rid of lott. scalise doesn t have enemies yet. if there was an agenda to get rid of him, this could have been used as an excuse. it could have. i don t think he s over it yet. we will see what happens with leadership votes. he has to b