Mr. Chairman and members of the committee thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. My name is george stover, and i serve as the chief executive officer of hospital district number one of rice county in lyons county. Lyons has a population of 3800. Our community hospital, which first opened in 1959 is a 25bed critical access hospital that employees approximately 150 individuals. Rural Community Hospitals have a long and distinguished commitmentment of providing care for all who seek it 24 7 365. More than 36 of all kansans live in rural areas and depend on a local hospital serving their community. Rural hospitals face a unique set of challenges because of the remote geographic location small size scarce workforce, physician shortages, higher percentage of medicare and medicaid patients and a constrained Financial Resources that limited access to capital. These challenges alone would make it difficult for many rural hospitals to survive. However, one disturbing challenge that
Its an important distinction because theres no formula retail establishments. I introduced this legislation in response from a bunch of neighborhoods for the potential to locate a new establishment in the area. May its changing fast and large is for the better but if theres anything that fresh and ease taught us its greatly improved with the neighborhood have the opportunity to weigh in. And one vehicle this is that insures neighborhood participation. This this is an area in the city thats made investments. With the changes that are occurring in the area i felt it was important that the neighborhood and a city have the opportunity to review the input for any Retail Businesses or the relocation of new ones to make sure were meeting the needs of the entire neighborhood. Right now the city is currently undergoing a large review from with the goal of speedizing them. The Planning Commission has recommended a number of changes to this ordnance that makes it consistent with the regulations.
I agreed to sponsor this with lengthy conversations with fire professionals who at the end of the day are focused on safety. And from my prospective if the fire chief or Fire Department doesnt want those systems if the rank and file firefighters dont increase safety this ought not to be a system in San Francisco and thats my prospective today. I hope we can move it out of Committee Supervisor kim. So i actually came into this hearing which i asked a lot of questions and i appreciate the Fire Department. To be honest, i feel uncomfortable being a layperson to vote on a policy change such as this one. We have to trust the Fire Commission and Fire Department as well in terms of what they deem is safe. For me it seems important to go above and beyond so i was initialing to keep what it was to keep the air that you are system for our highrise building. I think that 75 feet is two low but 1 hundred and above is important to not have to carry our air pressure system up. New york may not have
Industrial Zone Property but north and south are neighborhood districts this would fill the gap. And as the Commission Found this is an unique stretch of industrial land between two neighborhood commercial districts and it serves as the third street corridor. This district will fill in the gap that could be used by others in the adjacent commercial districts. The commission heard this on july 25th and voted for approval with modifications. So this would include all properties that face third street. And this will complete the gap. The revised ordinance will have the district subject to all the controls as the former establishments in the city and this will contain the same standards by some have been amended done in this ordinance. Finally the commission ask to look at certain avenues. And my assumes is you felt those are appropriate. So as your aware we have had several ordinances introduced by supervisors that are to mainstream the controls and in response we have permission to produ
Id like to bring up mr. Star who can talk about the committees recommendations. Thank you, very much. Good afternoon supervisors aaron star prosecute the planning vice president. The ordinance would create the third street reformation between third street and paul street are i have a map up. I dont know if i can depreciate it on the board. So between williams avenue here and paul avenue here is Industrial Zone property but north and south are neighborhood districts this would fill the gap. And as the Commission Found this is an unique stretch of industrial land between two neighborhood commercial districts and it serves as the third street corridor. This district will fill in the gap that could be used by others in the adjacent commercial districts. The commission heard this on july 25th and voted for approval with modifications. So this would include all properties that face third street. And this will complete the gap. The revised ordinance will have the district subject to all the c