them on national tv. you think he went too far on this? i don t think he said the right thing. what makes me uncomfortable as a republican to hear the majority leader in the senate say, which i agree with, that putin is a thug, but yet refuse to appoint a select committee to investigate russian hacking. forget these discussions on semantics and on donald trump s foot in mouth disease and the stuff he says. let s focus on the very important stuff that there is a lot of evidence and a lot of people, including in congress, like john mccain, like lindsey graham, who believe there should be investigations about the russian hacking of the election. that is so crucial to our democracy. you know, they may have helped republicans this time. they may come after republicans next time. and that s something that i would like to see our republican leadership focus on, other than, you know, argue semantics with donald trump. but senate intel is going to look at it. mcconnell has refused to