A Green Party motion to explore ways to cool P.E.I.’s hot housing market went down to defeat Wednesday, gaining no support from either Liberal or PC members in the P.E.I. legislature.
P.E.I.'s opposition parties are wondering when the cheques the provincial government promised for low-income Islanders to help them deal with high inflation will be delivered.
P.E.I. can return all carbon tax revenues back to Islanders while still funding important programs to reduce emissions, Green Party Leader Peter Bevan-Baker told the legislature Tuesday.
In the wake of the death of a West Prince man last month, the head of the company that runs ambulance services on Prince Edward Island says it is trying to fill nine vacancies for paramedics.
An additional $54,000 allocated in the P.E.I. budget for the Best Start program is not enough to bring wages to parity with those of early childhood educators.