The Los Verdes green party in Torrevieja held an informal meeting with the Somos la Voz de los Gatos, an animal association based in Torrevieja who look out for the welfare of animals. The political group opened the doors to smaller associations to exchange ideas and proposals with the intention of advocating equality. The representatives
In an area that has been plagued with numerous problems over the years, the Casa Grande Industrial Estate, the Partido Popular (PP) candidate for Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, who is of course the current mayor and has been on this occasion for the last 4 years, met on Monday with the representatives of the
Having previously teased in an interview with The Leader that the project would be published soon, Sueña Torrevieja released details of their plans to build a major exhibition and concert hall for the town, which will be able to hold concerts, congresses, fairs, and events, with a capacity for 15,000 people. Pablo Samper, candidate for
Whilst the residents have noticed a huge deterioration in the quality of the already poor service, with bins moved far away from where they once stood, fewer of them, and the total disappearance of the garden waste skips, for several months, Los Verdes have been focusing on the irregularities that are being detected in the
The Murcia Regional Airport at Corvera will have new domestic routes from November, with Madrid offering competition for the newly inaugurated AVE High-Speed Train, as well as direct flights to Barcelona. Fernando López Miras, President of the Region of Murcia, made the announcement to tourist sector businesses, confirming the “contract to establish” these routes will