Working lunch and the u. S. President says they will sign an agreement that we dont have the details yet on what might be in that agreement this was the scene just a few minutes ago as the two leaders came out of the Lunchtime Break and walked along the path outside of the cupola hotel they spoke briefly and addressed reporters heres what donald trump had to say. Really really really really love the program. Really for really better than anybody perfect couple. For the girl right now for saying that it was going to be very little bit of both of you to probe into what he studied her career that you got a couple. Of them with that and even as we wait to hear exactly what the cheerleaders are signing Behind Closed Doors this is already been a day for the history books a day that some have had to markable seen such as this moment when the two. Emerged
United States by stan were going to start with you a warm handshake a relaxed demeanor what a difference a few months make when after they t
this story summit between trump and kim the business world is keeping a keen eye on the meeting as a thaw in relations could open another big market and asia and terms of land area the two koreas of pretty much the same about there are twice as many people in south korea than in north korea analysts still think south korean and japanese companies could benefit from an opening of the north the two korean economies are vastly different to a twenty sixteen south korea s g.d.p. was just under one point five trillion dollars while north korea s was estimated as just twenty six billion but business relations could end up being key to reproach and between. north korea and south korea north korea s leader kim jung un has announced plans to focus on his country s economic development in the future and south korea could play a central role in this this factory outside south korea s capital seoul shouldn t
north korea threatening nuclear war with the united states, donald trump or the major conflict is brewing. good morning. more anti-american propaganda from north korea, new video showing missiles being launched, leader kim jung un looking on the heels of a chilling video yesterday, and raising tensions with the regime to new heights. and the strongest words for possible confrontation. a chance we could end up having a major conflict with north korea. trump telling reuters he hopes to resolve the prices peacefully with no economic sanctions and the cooperation of a determined china but use of force was not off the table,