Two ancient depictions of female heroes in the Bible have been found by a BYU professor and seven students in an ancient synagogue near the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee.
Almost every summer since 2011, BYU faculty and students have joined a consortium of universities led by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to excavate the synagogue in the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq, on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. This year’s work on the building’s beautiful mosaic floor, which dates from the late fourth – early fifth century C.E., yielded a unique discovery: fragments showing Jael and the prophetess Deborah.<br/>
Experts are in the early process of analyzing a mosaic found depicting two female Bible heroines found in an ancient Jewish synagogue. This discovery was made by a BYU professor and seven students in the town of Huqoq near the Sea of Galilee.