and by the way, it s the intended effect is to leave the population of the unitedat c states dangerously ignorant on questions that affect liveyou has. ave at this point, you haveorke to wonder if the average, say, new yorker is really better informed than a factory workeray in pyongyang, north korea. probably not. both have been effectively blindfolded by information monopolies. and if you doubt that s true, ask your neighbors who s winning the war in ukraine. and , i of course, to tell yl winn ukraine is winning the that s what they ve seen on the today show every morning for the past eleven months. and not just on the today show, but in virtually every media outlet in america. apart from colonel doug mcgregor s appearances on this show, for which he hasn needles to say, been condemned as an agent of putin, but he s pretty much alone. here s the version that mostm americans see this as leonskerio describe the time as the beginning of the end of the war. does we have t
member ofrjorie t the house of representatives, marjorie taylor greene of georgia. and she took a huge amount, a huge amount of criticism formc standing with kevin mccarthy. but shshe did anyway. and we thought it d be interesting to ask her, why did you do that? there has to be a good reason.e she joins us tonight. congressman, thank you so much for coming on .le wer so you were criticized pretty where people are confused. you re the most conservative or for mccarthy. why? what did you do that? thanks for asking me, tucker.mct americans used to seeing me leading the fight, and that s what i ve been doing for the past two years. nothing has changeg had about t. i just want to lead the fight against the democrats. and so reaso the reason why a i supported kevin mccarthy is because of the agenda thatndh he laid out and thate agenda tht our republican conference confe agreed on . yoreu see, i m ready to investigate the biden i am. e ration i m ready to hold the deep state and the in