toghnit, chireldn and covid in tshi uncotry,nd a the cdc panenol w recomndmeing tonhtig pfizer booerst shots for ildren 5 to 11. pfiz nerow ssay it increesas tianbodies against t oheriginal omicron rivaant 2-22-fold. the aboiortn batetl in this country,nd a tonight, the oklamaho legislaretuas psing the mostes rtrictivebo artion ban in erica. banning artboion beginni angt coepnction, with few exctiepons and sending it ttohe goverr no toghnit. > presidten biden meengtiit wh leadersf o finndla and sdewen at eth white hseou today, supporngti their bid to join na nato, fydeing thrtsea from vladimirut pin. > thebc a newsxc elusive tonight. mart rhaaddatz on board the uss maine. otectinghe t u.s. from potential nuclear teahrts. and what theyep kt secret there marthave en while she was onboard. the fstir ceas of monkeypox in the u.s.hi ts year. what wkne ow about theat pient in msaaschusetts. d the psiosble new case now being investgated in new yo rk ci.ty thexp elosion at a
get openit whin the xtne weetok twweo eks. stmo leliky athe tut oer bound two ekwes. repteorr: presintde biden invoki tnghe defen pseroduction act tous rh formulina gredients to manuftuacrers andmp iort foulrma from orsveeas. but enev with th, atthe fda commissieron acknowddileng it llwi be a fewee wks until tnghis t geback to normal. are you sleepy, baby? r eporter:ol cd comrtfo for repants like amanda mendoza, who is strgluging to feed her 7-montolh-d w ient to or ve20 storeins e onday. repteorr: aislepo un aisle of empty shveels. it lis ke this erevywhere we go. reporr:te the seah rc stssreful and moderalizing. setomimes i wtan tory che wn i don t find it. because i don t know if she s going to eat. reporter: in that same town, anothemor m, jacquynel medrano, joinin ag faceokbo group to try help. it s caldle the nationdewi foulrma search. with nearly 800 mbeemrs in le ss
themnto a rig.bsiz erefeme weoave e ri at tig t althe ney om te gornme . thweefore we rive the ght tho te ey the ney tom go merich y te fe e, whavee te ech t ef w aav ti s, t gs d pr ciplle is dav inci se. buit dsn t g eanprpls at w g nto turcithat uratantooli w liabsotizehatnto rht. so szen: sveat wio you rt. le s s intwi ttou hadnc ani t rabadedu then toit, opun deatol wthdu fi ttoea ma w c tlts heidn do tt?a hi c b aget hen 7 trlion i hstil b hts an oprtuny hil hanop sea whytoidn th he it in h budt? hudhyecaun ee s t aus cgogres haa sa le tm hathei c saes hasa ean: le thyha diei t saead? n: tresiint id ad.d? sn: no .t hdidsiot.d sno comssio hd diean:hat t aoi lisn ioom wh o n: mt to e mu orewh moundom .commdatis th the rn