The bloodletting continued in Layou over the weekend with the shooting of Joveka Gaymes, a 28-year-old labourer of the Central Leeward town. According to a police report, at about 10:50 am on Saturday December 2, Joveka was walking through the old cemetery in “Cashville” when he was accosted by an assailant and shot multiple times about his body. Gaymes was transported to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCHM) where he …
Michelle Guy, the mother of gunshot victim Alando Emron Guy alias ‘Murphy’ says she is comforted by the fact that she got to pray with her son before he died. “I get the privilege from God so I can coach my son through to his death, asking for all these sins, cause he is not a perfect child, all of us have sin, to ask the father for forgiveness and …
With the death of Demron “Cheetah” Delpesche, a mother has lost her first son and provider, and St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) has recorded its 52nd homicide for 2023. On Sunday December 3, at about 7:25 am at Belmont, Demron became the fourth person to be shot over the weekend and the second man to die between Saturday, December 2 and Sunday, December 3. A report says that the …
Layou, Belmont and Edinboro were in the news over the weekend as those communities recorded shootings that took the homicide count in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to 52 for 2023. The first community to hear explosions that resulted in gunshot wounds was Edinboro where Olando Guy, 36, and Dee-jay Howard, 29, were shot on Saturday morning. Guy and Howard were taken to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) …