Good egg production (18-90 Weeks) in commercial layer birds
By Sponsored Content | January 19th 2021 at 10:00:00 GMT +0300
The Point of Lay (POL) at the target 18 Weeks is the commencement of the egg production period that immediately follows the pullet rearing phase that we discussed in details in our previous article.
A gradual feed transition from
Fugo Grower Mash is expected to commence from 5% egg laying percentage with the introduction of
Fugo Layer Compleat Meal both manufactured by Unga Farm Care (EA) Ltd.
Our main target during the egg laying period is for the flock to give the desired number of marketable eggs based on their set potential as highlighted on the below guide chart:
By Sponsored Content | January 12th 2021 at 10:00:00 GMT +0300
Poultry venture in a commercial hybrid layer bird starts from when they are day old chicks, during the pullet phase and lastly during the egg laying (layer) phase.
In this article we will discuss the critical chick & pullet rearing phases that has a direct influence on the future productivity and hence profitability of the layers agribusiness. Upon the chick arrival at the poultry unit, feed and water should be available for immediate intake while the right brooding temperature set for chicks’ comfort. The brooding period ranges between 21-28 days depending on the environmental temperatures as most farmers have open ventilated houses. Supplemental heat source can be from poultry gas brooders, charcoal/briquettes poultry