that? do you take that on face value? what should we think of that? i do not believe that. in an investigation of this caliber and with an arrest that s this important, it is, frankly, unbelievable that he would not have been mirandized at some point. law enforcement today, i m guessing a majority of those officers might have had body cams on, so there might be some evidence. absolutely. they may or may not have body cams on, but this is just standard operating procedure. so i can think of no good reason why, you know, the agents would deviate from what is, you know, a very standard practice in this kind of an arrest. clint watts, none of us in our newsroom had any idea what a terabyte was today, but it just sounds bad. yeah. it sounds like, in lay parlance, they found a mountain of stuff on this guy. sure. tera if you look, if you know those towers at the apple store, that s a 2 terabyte tower that would store multiple computers, multiple hard drives if you wanted to.