+ May 09, 2021 THIS quote dated July 30, 2018, from the Blessed Mother herself to Luz de Maria de Bonilla, in my attempt to justify my series on frightening prophecies being conveyed from Heaven through modern-day mystics: May you not be frightened by what Heaven has declared to you so that you may prepare, but may that which you know be what leads you to increase your faith, the desire to save the soul and the desire to cooperate in the salvation of souls.
The signs of the times are undeniably with us. Already, Big Tech has started to clamp down on purported conspiracy theorists, rather, those with some knowledge of the world s elite seeing the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to push a one-world government, along with a depopulation agenda. Just this morning, my favorite Catholic website on mystics remained inaccessible as I had feared would happen anytime. a sign.
+ April 22, 2021 IF THERE’S a really credible website on modern-day prophecies that I would recommend, it’s It’s very Christian and is reputed to have finetooth-combed its selection of Catholic mystics, mostly still living in our times, whose reputation could qualify them for sainthood. The website also features a few who are already saints, blessed, or servants of God.
From such website, I am sharing the following significant caveat from our Lord Jesus Christ through mystic Gisella Cardia on April 17, 2021:
“Beloved brothers and sisters, here I am with you who have asked for my intervention. Brothers and sisters, I ask you to pray and to raise up your prayers so that the time might be shortened even more. I am ready, and soon a Storm will befall humanity; it will be so strong that the world will have known nothing like it. I pray to my Father that the remaining ounce of mercy might be used on these confused children (i.e.