have provided lax with any direct dollars. really? but who does lax enterprise count on as clients? general motors? chrysler? ford? sure lax didn t get direct dollars, but if it weren t for the automobile loan forked out by the obama administration, if mitt romney had had his way and let detroit go bankrupt, there wouldn t be all those cars for lax enterprises to make parts for, don t you think? tonight in our survey i asked, who do you trust when it comes to foreign policy decisions? 95% of you say president obama. 5% of you say mitt romney. coming up, a new study shows how racest ohio s anti-early voting law was. nina turner is here with us. we re right back. [ male announcer ] the 2013 smart comes with 8 airbags,
lax also warns that any additional tax increase discussed by the administration would come out of the employee pay. it is always important to remember the more the government takes the less there will be available to spread around to the working people of this company. now here s the the kicker in all of this. lax enterprises makes automobile parts and business is pretty good. in fact, the letter also notified employees of their sixth bonus in almost three years. what happened about three years ago? wasn t there something going on with the automobile industry like a loan put out? but the company tries to claim their auto-related business did not benefit from the obama administration s auto loan. he writes, we survived because our business model and the money we have in the bank to survive these downturns, it would not have provided lax with any direct dollars. really? but who does lax enterprise