I would i would i do not challenge you that you know nothing about wine and that i know nothing about wine, you have to have seen silence of the lambs, he doesnt all i was trying to do is echo that and i screwed it up, im sorry. Ive never consumed a full glass of wine. Ive tasted it three or four times in my life, thats it. You dont theres no way of knowing less than me about wine, dont try. You win. Thank you. I finally win. Rachel maddow, number one show on cable news. Finally won something. Theres no prize, thats appropriate for this contest. Thank you, rachel. Well, the author of the new yorkers cover story this week called how trump could get fired will join us tonight. And the mt important speech about health care in america was delivered last night by a comedian, jimmy kimmel. Spoke from the heart about his babys heart and taught washington an important lesson. But first, Donald Trumps base lead by rush limbauhg is getting tired of not winning. This is what winning looks like. I
In July 2020, members of the Mongols and Hells Angels outlaw motorcycle gangs started a blocks-long shootout that killed one person and injured three others.
Life has its disappointments. Sometimes, you think you’ve won a free car, but it turns out that you’ve won only a couple of dollars. And sometimes, you think that an appellate court.