Fierce crossborder clashes are continuing with israel striking southern lebanon, and hezbollah firing dozens of rockets into northern israel. On tuesday the israeli military said they d killed a senior hezbollah commander in a strike on beirut. These pictures show the extent of the destruction from that strike. Our senior international correspondent, orla guerin, sent this report from tyre, where thousands of people have fled their homes. A community in mourning. The village of saksakiyeh in southern lebanon today. Ii were killed here yesterday by israel s massive bombardment. The dead included four women, an infant and a sevenyearold girl called joury. Herfather, mohammad halal, says she was an innocent child and a martyr. He pledges his support for the hezbollah leader, sheikh hassan nasrallah. Even if they kill us, he says, we are at your service. Also being mourned today, dina darwiche and her son, jad. Killed in their own home by an israeli missile. Here she was at work with the
В’ятрович і Третьякова пропонують встановити пенсію за особливі заслуги борцям за незалежність України у ХХ столітті у розмірі 200 відсотків прожиткового мінімуму для осіб, які втратили працездатність.
«На даний час у нас, на жаль, зроблено акцент на «совкові» заборони і примус, що є категорично неприйнятним для нашого свободолюбивого народу», стверджує нардеп у контекст виїзду за кордон чоловіків.