Fabulous yet chilling, the six-part limited series follows Griselda Blanco, played by Sofia Vergara , 51, on her journey from Medellin to becoming the Godmother of Miami s raging drug scene.
see that and the fact that he contributed to that and it was because of him and his friend about having an election stolen from him. his rants. it was just terrible and really is a forever black mark on his presidency but in the end, this doesn t move the needle at all in either direction. find doesn t move the needle at all in either direction. in either direction. and “ust finall in either direction. and “ust finauyasi in either direction. and “ust finally as well, i in either direction. and “ust finally as well, what i in either direction. and just| finally as well, what lessons can the enquiry learn from the events of that day? it can the enquiry learn from the events of that day? events of that day? it really de-ends events of that day? it really depends on events of that day? it really depends on your events of that day? it really depends on your viewpoint. | depends on your viewpoint. there was a breakdown in security which is not addressed here so much. those
lawrence: yeah, i mean, i was talking to one community member, they want the media to just leave at this point so they can have some opportunity to heal. you know, initially, i will just say this. if you are a parent in this local area. if you are a community member, i totally understand your frustration. i understand the pain. but i also think there is another side to this report, which is and i told tps this yesterday when i was going back with my sources. you know, they aren t great pr people when it comes to explaining from a human aspect on what s going on there is a lot of law enforcement talk but they don t know how to communicate to the average day public i in to ask multiple questions. this is what i pushed back yesterday when we were on air that what is the pressing issue.
the idea of expunging juvenile data systems, and the president said had his juvenile record been in the national criminal identification database that he likely wouldn t have had his hands on a weapon and the people who died in dayton may not have died. harris: i want to bring you now republican senator marsha blackburn from the great state of tennessee. good to see you today. we just had a little bit of senator joe manchin talking about the fact that this was a presidential moment for president trump, good politics for him to pass on gun legislation. what do you have to say about that? what i have to say about it is this precisely. there is no one who wants someone who has a mental illness or is unstable or is a threat to themselves or others, to have a gun or any type weapon in their possession. this is one of the reasons that you are hearing so many in law enforcement talk about mental illness. and having more beds and