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An Uber spokesperson commented: “We are deeply saddened to learn of this tragic news. Our thoughts and hearts go out to the family. While there is nothing to suggest that this incident is Uber-related, our Law Enforcement Relations Team (LERT) are working closely with local authorities to support their investigation.”
Free State police later confirmed that Botes’s body parts were found last week in the Vaal River next to Villiers.
Police spokesperson Brig Motantsi Makhele said a father and son fishing at a holiday resort next to river made the gruesome discovery. “The boy walked around and saw something in the water that looked like a part of a body.”
Uber to assist police in probing Yolanda Botes murder Updated
Karabo Tebele
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A body was discovered floating on Vaal River last Tuesday in Free State.
The transporting app says it is ready to assist the police in probing the death of Botes. We are deeply saddened to learn of this tragic news. Our thoughts and hearts go out to the family of the victim during this difficult time. While there is nothing to suggest that this incident is Uber-related, our Law Enforcement Relations Team are working closely with local authorities to support their investigation.”
Free State police spokesperson Motantsi Mankhele earlier said that a tattoo on one of the feet was confirmed to belong to Botes.
Uber says it is saddened to hear the news of Yolandi Botes death.
Botes went missing after allegedly taking an Uber from ORT airport.
Police confirmed that the body parts of a woman found in the Vaal River last week, were those of Botes.
E-hailing app platform Uber says it is saddened to learn the news of Yolandi Botes death.
She went missing after allegedly hailing a ride from OR Tambo International Airport on 26 April. Our thoughts and hearts go out to the family of the victim during this difficult time. While there is nothing to suggest that this incident is Uber-related, our Law Enforcement Relations Team (LERT) are working closely with local authorities to support their investigation, Uber told News24 on Monday.