anyone who complains about the sexualization of children or who even notices it? noticing it, they tell us , is an attack on the lgbt community. so the assumption here, their assumption apparently is that gay people are in favor of molesting kids and of course ,in favor of performing mutilation on minors. but that s absurd. no normal person is for this or not. absur it s notd. anti-gay to oppose kiddy or to feel a horror at the fact that doctors are cutting the off okif healthyt o teenage girls. these are crimes.ct and most gay people thinkteenag they re crimes. why wouldn t they think that pel protecting children from adults who want to exploit them is ant basic human instinct and it s a noble instinct. and yet nbc news is doing its best to redefine that instinct as a crime. yesterday, nbc brought on its law enforcement expert a by thes a former assistant director of the fbi to warn viewerassists and anyone who complains about the sexualisation of children will be punished b