that when we judges do on our robes, doesn t make us any smarter. but it does it serve as a reminder of what is expected of us. impartiality and independence. collegiality and courage. as this process now moves to the senate, i look forward with speaking to members with both sides of the aisle. to answering their questions and to hearing their concerns. i consider the united states senate to the greatest deliberative body in the world. and i respect the important role the constitution affords it in the confirmation of our judges. i respect the fact that in our legal order, it is for congress and not the courts to write new laws. it is the rule of judges to apply, not alter, the work of the people s representatives. a judge who likes every outcome he reaches is very likely a bad judge. stretching for results he prefers rather than those the law demands. i am so thankful tonight for my
lobby. ainsley: hire he is after donald trump announced who he selected. standing here in a house of history and acutely aware of my own imaffection imperfectione a faithful servant of the constitution and laws of this country. it is the role of the judges to apply not alter the work of the people s representatives. a judge who likes every outcome he reaches is very likely a bad judge. [laughter] stretching for results he prefers, rather than those the law demands. i am so thankful tonight for my family, my friends, and my faith. ainsley: he talks about his faith. is he episcopalian. this is the first time if is he confirmed that someone will serve on the supreme court serve on the supreme court that he clerked under.
tradition. we must continue to welcome people were all over the world that s what our constitution demands. that s what our law demands. that s what people demand and we will prevail. let s go back to nbc kelly ow o donnell. there s a lot of emotions here this issues about what entrance into country, do strike passion in a lot of people. you take that on top of the woman women s march off a week or soing, there s been to use their voices to come together to bring their signs. we re seeing people who regularly come and protest in these situation and the word
and defy deportation you go to prison the moment you re caught here. but passing it is anything but simple. later this month, senator mitch mcconnell will introduce a bill on the senate floor that contains kate s law. but here is the problem, it contains a provision to take money away from sanctuary city. that dooms it, a full vote in the senate will likely never take place. everybody in the senate knows that. so the american people, including kate steinle s family will not get the justice that kate s law demands. now, i have spoken to many senators asking why kate s law cannot have a stand-alone vote. there are a variety of excuses but bottom line it s more about party politics than protecting the folks. for the record, senator mcconnell would not take my call. neither would senator dianne
republicans say he absolutely obama broke the law. the white house is saying it s more complicated than that. what do you think congress should do about this? they are very serious. within those 30 days as the law demands. what happened the day that bowe bergdahl desserted his post. a what assurances does the united states have for these detainees that were once so dangerous that they were that they are now suddenly safe enough to be released back into their theaters and we don t have to worry about them. these are not partisan questions.