you want to walk into a department store now and steal a bunch of items. brian: up to $1,000. ainsley: you can walk right out and take those items home and the police officers in department stores are told not to touch and let you run out because it s not worth it. it. brian: cvss are closing across the country i can t afford the shoplifting. ainsley: and bail? no cash bail? all these democrats are saying you know if you commit your crime, we will take new and do the paperwork you don t have to pay bill put you back out on the streets. brian: caught with a gun we process you and then we arraign you and then we let you out the same day. i think that figured into the law and order push back blow back we saw. even in our backyard long island. ainsley: some major republicans, some major races and republicans won just like we are seeing across the country. bail reform were messages. what were. so campaign ads. bail reform all these illegal immigrants being dropped off in