At Durango School District 9-R, in-person learning returns
Durango, Colorado Currently Sun 1% chance of precipitation
Kindergarten teacher will focus on building social skills with kids By Patrick Armijo Education, business & real estate reporter
Sunday, Jan. 17, 2021 5:03 AM Zane Hickam, 5, left, and Annalina Gearhart, 5, work on math in their kindergarten class at Needham Elementary School. Their teacher, Rachel Tabor, said group and partner work to help build students’ social skills was particularly difficult when the district moved to remote learning. Courtesy of Rachel Tabor/Durango School District 9-R
At Durango School District 9-R, in-person learning returns Zane Hickam, 5, left, and Annalina Gearhart, 5, work on math in their kindergarten class at Needham Elementary School. Their teacher, Rachel Tabor, said group and partner work to help build students’ social skills was particularly difficult when the district m
Durango school board all ears in superintendent search
Durango, Colorado Currently Wed 4% chance of precipitation 9% chance of precipitation
Focus groups held with 9-R staff, community members By Patrick Armijo Education, business & real estate reporter
Sunday, Dec. 13, 2020 10:48 AM
Durango school board all ears in superintendent search Members of the Durango School District 9-R Board of Education are holding focus groups with district staff and community members through next week to gather input about what people are looking for in the next superintendent. The Durango Herald file Escuchar en Español:
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Wanted: a strong relationship-builder with exceptional communications skills who is willing to take a financial hit if they are moving from a big city or the Front Range.