The age of 80 youre gonna make it after all because im gonna make this place your only steve i think Mary Tyler Moore was the gratsd sitcom store who ever lived. Ainsley why do you think that . Brian if you combine Dick Van Dyke show with that show its unbelievable. Steve probably before you were born when the show was on in the 1970s. And everybody either wanted to be her or to work in a newsroom like that because it walls so cool and so much fun. Brian or be ted baxter. Steve steve nobody wanted to be ted baxter but everybody loved ted baxter. He was the anchorman, ainsley. Ainsley i got it. Brian the thing about that show like cheers, it was historical but it had heart. You cared about the characters. Now when you watch modern family. You say its funny, friends, you say its funny. You dont care about those people. I actually thought i knew those people. Ainsley she grew up in brooklyn apparently had a rough life. Lost a sister and lost a son and then checked herself in to betty ford
My staff will begin immediate construction of a border wall. [ applause ] you folks know how badly needed it is. As a help but badly needed. This will also help mexico by deterring illegal immigration from Central America and by disrupting Violent Cartel networks. As ive said repeatedly to the country, we are going to get the bad ones out, the criminals, and the drug deals and gangs and gang members and cartel leaders. The day is over when they can stay in our country and wreak havoc. We are going to get them out and get them out fast. And john kelly is going to lead that way. [ applause ] also order also does the following. Ends the policy of catch and release at the border. Requires other countries to take back their criminals. They will take them back. Cracks down on sanctuary cities. Empowers i. C. E. Officers to target and remove those who pose a threat to public safety. Calls for the hiring of another 5,000 Border Patrol officers. Calls for the tripling the number of i. C. E. Off
Protect our country and keep our people safe. That will be coming very soon. John roberts joins me now. John, the white house says the revised executive order coming as soon as friday. Im told by a couple Senior Administration officials we can expect it to come out friday. They dont know if its friday morning or afternoon. The president has an appearance at cpac. It will involve the same seven countries as the original executive order. Iran, iraq, syria, libya, yemen and carveouts for groups of individuals. Legal permanent residents, other visa holders who got caught up in the original order when it was applied and some got sent back home when they should have been allowed in the country and a temporary ban allowing refugees into the country but drop the idea of indefinite ban of refugees from syria. What the white house, the department of justice and Homeland Security have done is looked at the court orders and all the court action that was taken against the original order and written
Its been a marathon today for judge judge gorsuch. There is n thing as democratic or republican judge we just have judges. I dont care, baby, by the way. Steve thank you, farrell singing he is happy. We are happy you would join us live from new york city and live shots in washington, d. C. We were just talking because coming up very shortly you know you have seen those tv commercials from my ancestry. Ainsley trading in lederhosen for a kilt. Steve you know we are from ireland and we have got swedish roots. Brian who believes their parents . Steve they believed what they were told. Now through science we are actually able to figure out what our roots are. Ainsley our parents lied to us. Steve they might have. They may not have known any better. We are going to find out one at a time what our d. N. A. Shows. Brian start with ainsley. Steve no, im first. He he. Ainsley you are at the middle and im at the end. Receive steve im 6 30. You are 7 30 she is 8 30. Brian i remember every year at
Yesterday it was unveiled the much tougher immigration policy, the United States is going to start enforcing, keep in mind, donald trump didnt write these laws. These laws have been on the books. Now its just going to be easier to keep people who are not entitled to be in this country out of this country. Brian but you know he is doubling the number of Border Patrol agents. He is getting more ice agents out there. Is he going to be deposit advertising local Law Enforcement to enable them and empower them to take illegals who have committed crimes and get them out of here. More importantly, he is going to do away with catch and release. He is doing exactly what he says he is doing. Ainsley everyone is really upset. If you look at the sanctuary cities. Mayors in the sanctuary cities are really upset about this. 11. 3 million Illegal Immigrants in this country. 690,000 felons. So its not a huge percentage of the people that will be kicked out if theyre caught. Steve absolutely. So while h