relationship to strom thurmond, what work he did in the kind of thing. and he said it was 40 years ago, you know. any interview would be a wasted your time and money. so my only thing i can do is he was sitting at the time to write a criticism of the book once it came out. and he got a number of other things wrong. he quoted goldwater speaking with thurmond and talk about the importance of equal rights in columbus after lunch a few days before the presidential campaign in 1964. what he didn t say is that he began by everybody singing dixie. there were many confederate flags and american flags, and as the new york times reported in that meeting that a considerable section in his speech was devoted to denouncing the 1964 civil rights act. and any review that said that the only key issues in thurmond s career or constitutionalism and national security, i don t think you will be taken, i don t think that passes the laugh test of a we all know about strom thurmond and his career.