Complying with a judgment from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), the Uruguayan Government today acknowledged its culpability in the death of three young women and the forced disappearance of two individuals, atrocities committed by the repressive military dictatorship regime (1973-1985).
During a ceremony at the Legislative Palace in Montevideo presided over by Vice President Beatriz Argimón, and pursuant to a sentence from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), the Uruguayan State Thursday admitted its responsibility in the April 21, 1974, murders of Laura Raggio, Diana Maidanik, and Silvia Reyes by the military during the last civil-military dictatorship (1973-1985).
Montevideo, Feb 3 (Prensa Latina) The Association of Political Prisoners of Uruguay, Crysol, called on the President of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) to prioritize the investigation of crimes committed during the dictatorship from 1973 to 1985.
Muerto hace poco, Gavazzo fue el militar uruguayo que más condenas acumuló durante la dictadura. Secuestró, torturó, asesinó e hizo desparecer a más de un centenar de opositores.