High-level delegation visiting temporary reception center Lipa
Centre Lipa is designed to accommodate 1,500 people, including families with children, unaccompanied children, and single men H. J. I. / Fena
prije 6 sati
High-level delegation visiting temporary reception center Lipa
While 4,500 migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees are accommodated in the official temporary reception centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina, efforts are under-way to improve accommodation standards and capacities across the whole country
Foto: Fena
A high-level delegation consisting of Minister of Security of B&H Selmo Cikotić, Austrian Ambassador to B&H Ulrike Hartmann, IOM Chief of Staff/Assistant Secretary General from Geneva Eugenio Ambrosi and IOM Chief of Mission in B&H Laura Lungarotti will visit the temporary center Lipa near Bihać tomorrow.
Cikotić and Lungarotti discuss managing migration and increasing the safety
Among other things, they gave priority to the execution of works and the establishment of adequate accommodation capacities in Lipa near Bihać H. J. I. / Fena
Cikotić and Lungarotti discuss managing migration and increasing the safety
Selmo Cikotić and Laura Lungarotti
Foto: Fena
Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina Selmo Cikotić met today in Sarajevo with the Head of the Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in B&H Laura Lungarotti.
The two officials discussed the operational implementation of defined priorities in migration management and increasing the security for the citizens.