amarillo, texas, where is judge will decide whether to expand a ban on a drug used as medication abortion more than half the women who terminate their pregnancies do itwith this drug it is extremely low risk fewer than half a percent of patients experience complications, which means almost no one. medication abortions are illegal in 13 states, and that does include texas, where the arguments in this landmark case just wrapped a group of doctors who do not support abortion brought this suit they want to go beyond the texas ban and take this off the market nationwide they claim the fda did not evaluate its safety before it was approved in 2000 and argue it should not have been made accessible to women via telehealth during the pandemic the public found out about today s hearing monday after the judge initially delayed releasing the details. we ll fill you in on why he says he delayed and why others argue his motivation was personal. the hearing was not broadcast, but we have re
anywhere if they didn t evaluate safety risks, it s not safe for anyone anywhere the supreme court has never spoken about whether nationwide injunctions are a good idea. a lot of judges who blocked donald trump s immigration attempts exactly we ve seen this on both sides. it s very controversial. if they rule in favor of the plaintiffs, i imagine it goes to another court. where does it go next? it goes swiftly to the fifth circuit of appeals the justice department would be asking them to stay the injunction, put a pause on the inju injunction if the fifth circuit says no, then the case goes to the supreme court. laura, thank you so much for helping us understand the legalities morgan chesky, thank you for joining us from texas.
confirmed by the sfenate, that his days of advocacy were over and he was ready to take on this role as a judge and hold justice to the highest standard. despite that, critics have said they re uncertain about the fate of this being heard because of this specific location meanwhile, plaintiffs have said texas made the most sense because it s centrally located katy why amarillo specifically critics argue because the plaintiffs believe they would get a more favorable ruling from this particular judge. laura, i have to ask you about standing this medication has been on the market for 20 years. there have been almost no complications from it. do they have standing to bring this now one abortion provider said there are more complications from tylenol or viagra.
the public found out about today s hearing monday after the judge initially delayed releasing the details. we ll fill you in on why he says he delayed and why others argue his motivation was personal. the hearing was not broadcast, but we have reporters inside the courtroom and who are outside covering the protests. the decision against the fda would be unprecedented, but if the last few years has taught us anything, unprecedented does not mean unlikely. if it happens, the fda would be ordered to revoke approval of a drug against its will for the first time ever. it would also block access to the abortion pill everywhere immediately, even in states like new york and california where abortion is legal. joining me now from amarillo is morgan chesky. also with me is laura gerard