The plan for the proposed senior housing development includes 22 affordable duplex and triplex rental units earmarked for seniors and 10 two-story townhomes to be sold at low cost to qualifying buyers of varying age demographics.
The purpose of the event was to present to community members potential plans for upgrading the district’s schools that have already been discussed over the last several months by the Facilities Committee as well as plans that have not yet been discussed and listen to community feedback on those
That question had more than one answer for committee and community members present at the meeting, as architect Mike Ruetschle and Michael Murdock, of maintenance plan advisor firm Motz Engineering, laid out two potential directions for the committee and, ultimately, the school board to consider.
The ordinance was part of an ongoing discussion about noise in the downtown business district, but its opponents said portions of it, including a $15 fee for a performance permit and a ban on amplified sound, unfairly targeted low-income performers and those who could only perform with some amplific
In its most recent regular meeting July 18, Village Council members held a brief discussion about adding a stormwater fee for residents and businesses in the village.