boehner s plan has now checked harry reed s. today those same bean counters are saying, yep, reed s numbers are wrong as well. but they also say that when it s all said and done, reed s deficit cutting trumps boehner s by, listen to this, more a trillion dollars. reed s plan, ten years, $2.2 trillion in net debt reduction. meantime boehner s plan $850 billion. again, six days until default. so what about the white house here? no debt meetings, not today, at least not publicly on the president s schedule. so let s go to washington, to jane small she s a congressional correspondent of time magaz e magazine, friend of the show. glad to have you back on. help me understand this, we ll call it odd, this very odd moment between some house republicans that happened yesterday. some are vastly underwhelmed of the debt cutting plan of speaker john boehner. to get them together to rally around this, house leaders showed this clip from a gangster movie, jay newton-small, it s called t
and she will be found okay. we will start to see more nuggets come out here and there, and hopefully they help to spring the right leads. one thing we know is police say laura s car was found outside an apartment complex early this week with no sign of her. are police saying either anything about what they may have found in the car, if any evidence was roecovered or what apartment building it was? was it her apartment building or someone else s? this is interesting how this investigation sprang about eight days ago. laura s friend reported her missing to the kingston police. they had this case and held this investigation until wednesday. wednesday was when they found her vehicle. so investigators in raleigh now have taken over the entire investigation, and what one of the detectives told me yesterday is that, he s like, look, we re not going to say exactly how we found the vehicle or what we re going to to pull out of the vehicle, but i think, again, what they re trying to figure o
police in north carolina just released two new photos of a mom who mysteriously vanished more than a week ago. they were taken the morning of july 13th. that s the same day laura ackerson went missing. she was last seen in raleigh after dropping her kids off at their father s home. friends call the 27-year-old reliable, and they say she would never just take off without telling anyone where she was going. let s get the latest from investigative crime reporter michelle sagona. let s talk about the surveillance photo and the significance of the two photos. how do you read that? i think this is interesting. yesterday when i spoke with authorities, they were still trying to determine if, you know, she wanted to go missing or if someone made her go missing. so i think they re still sort of working out some kinks at this time, but it s interesting they did release these photos. they re not exactly saying where they are, but it does show her obviously standing. she looks good and dressed ap
what they re doing right now is trying to close in that time line and figure out where she is. her friends and family say, look, laura would never leave her children and would definitely be there to pick them up. this is a hard-working mom kind of getting her life on a good track and going to church. this is a very sad case, and hopefully we can help shed light on it today for folks. if the cops are saying that these two pictures were taken the morning of the 13th the last time she was seen, why are they not saying where it was? that s kind of interesting. it s very interesting, and i think a lot of times in investigations i d like to call them golden nuggets. they re held back so when the tips come forward with the right information to kind of fit into that spot, they can say, okay, that s a good lead. those are the leads we spend time on. that s what they re doing right now. they start to slowly hopefully time won t go on for very long and she will be found okay. we will start to
a mom who mysteriously vanished more than a week ago. they were taken the morning of july 13th. that s the same day laura ackerson went missing. she was last seen in raleigh after dropping her kids off at their father s home. friends call the 27-year-old reliable, and they say she would never just take off without telling anyone where she was going. let s get the latest from investigative crime reporter michelle sagona. let s talk about the surveillance photo and the significance of the two photos. how do you read that? i think this is interesting. yesterday when i spoke with authorities, they were still trying to determine if, you know, she wanted to go missing or if someone made her go missing. so i think they re still sort of working out some kinks at this time, but it s interesting they did release these photos. they re not exactly saying where they are, but it does show her obviously standing. she looks good and dressed appropriately and she has bagged. she looks okay. that s a