but launceston leisure centre is under new management, and it is the community taking back control. what is the water like? it feels really good. it is really good to be finally back in here. i got really happy when i heard it was going to reopen, because it s like, that part, every friday, coming here as a group collective, and just being able to see each other. the only other place - is about 45 minutes away. so, it s a really long time if i want to go there. - soaring running costs have seen so many pools struggle. it s shocking what they re doing with swimming pools at the moment. you know, they re storing up problems for ten, 15 years down the line. if kids can t swim, it s going to have a massive effect on later life. but this community effort seems to have support. i couldn t believe how many people we ve had come in this morning. it s backed by a local businessman. do you feel responsible? i do know, i didn t, to start with,