/PRNewswire/ Vision Films, Inc. ("Vision") has announced the TVOD release of the relationship drama Breaking Bounds from director Mark Harris on July 18,.
The number of people behind on their water bills in the Cleveland area has tripled during the pandemic. People are struggling to pay their utility bills and to navigate the systems of assistance that are available for utility bills. What can be done about this problem?
Report for America Several volunteers with Cleveland nonprofit Medworks prep vaccine doses at Affinity Missionary Baptist Church during a recent vaccine clinic.
Cleosene Johnson has attended Affinity Missionary Baptist Church in Cleveland’s Lee-Miles neighborhood since 1976. And on a windy morning in late March, she went there to get her second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Johnson, 72, had a hard time getting registered for a shot back in February, she said, when vaccines were scarce in Ohio and most other locations in the U.S. When she heard her church was offering the vaccine, she was excited. I said, ‘Put my name on the list!” she said.